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New Age Mind
The MYSTERY of LIFE is then 'RE VEILED'...to the 'DREAMER'

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Cardinal Cross of the 'Risen Christ': 

Cardinal Cross  Cross Cardinal

The four arms of this Cross are Aries - Cancer - Libra - Capricorn.

Cancer is one of the arms of the cardinal cross.

One arm is Aries, the sign of beginning, of commencement, of subjective life,
of the prenatal stage, or involution, and of the first step, either towards 'form-taking',
or towards 'spiritual liberation'.

A third arm of the cross is Libra, the balance, the choosing between, the beginning of the treading of the "narrow razor-edged path", to which the Buddha so frequently refers.

Capricorn, the fourth arm, again is birth, the birth of the 'world savior',
birth into the 'spiritual kingdom', 'birth out of the world of matter'
into the 'world of being'.

Involution, incarnation, expression, inspiration, are the four words that express the story of the cardinal cross in the heavens. (The cross of the initiate.)

Cardinal Signs
These fall at the Cardinal Points of the Zodiac, with Aries beginning at the "Vernal Equinox"
or first point of Spring, or the beginning of the Zodiac.

These signs are generally associated with action and beginnings. They are also associated with 'initiatory' and dynamic actions.

The four energies in this cross govern and direct the soul as it moves forward upon the
'Path of Initiation'; Necessarily, as it deals with so exalted a state of consciousness.

It is, therefore, pre-eminently the 'Cross of Initiation' and of "beginnings." It concerns fundamentally "the beginning of the endless Way of Revelation" which starts when 'Nirvana' is entered and for which all the previous stages of the Path of Evolution have been but preparatory.

It is the Cross of the "widespread arms, the open heart and the higher mind," for those who lie upon this Cross know and enjoy the significances underlying the words:

Omnipresence and Omniscience, and are in process of unfolding the 'higher phases of Being' which we inadequately cover by the word, Omnipotence.

The energies of the Cardinal Cross blend with the energies to which we can give no greater name than 'cosmic energy' even though that word is meaningless.

They carry the quality of the 'One' about Whom Naught may be Said and are "tinctured with the Light of the seven solar systems" of which our solar system is one.

The Esoteric Rulerships of the Signs
Aries - Mercury      | Taurus - Vulcan       | Gemini - Venus    | Cancer - Neptune
Leo - Sun               | Virgo - Moon           | Libra - Uranus      | Scorpio - Mars
Sagittarius - Earth | Capricorn - Saturn | Aquarius - Jupiter | Pisces - Pluto

The Esoteric Meanings of the Houses
 1st house - emergence of soul purpose, activities of the soul, the aura.
 2nd house - spiritual values, use of life energies.
 3rd house - mental energy, relating of higher and lower selves.
 4th house - the foundation of the soul.
 5th house - expression of spiritual will, actualization of Higher Self.
 6th house - personality integration, service through healing and nurturing.
 7th house - the path of inner union between the soul and personality.
 8th house - the path of the awakening of soul consciousness.
 9th house - knowledge of Cosmic Law and Ancient Wisdom.
 10th house - spiritual purpose and responsibility.
 11th house - spiritual visions, aspirations, spiritual groups.
 12th house - unredeemed past karma, bondage to personality, selfless service to humanity.

In Aries Element Fire

beginning at the "Vernal Equinox"
or first point of Spring, or the beginning of the Zodiac.

One arm is Aries, the sign of beginning, of commencement, of subjective life,
of the prenatal stage, or involution, and of the first step, either towards 'form-taking',
or towards 'spiritual liberation'.

 In Cancer Element Water

 The sign Libra Element Air

A third arm of the cross is Libra, the balance, the choosing between, the beginning of the treading of the "narrow razor-edged path", to which the Buddha so frequently refers.

 In Capricorn Element Earth

Capricorn, the fourth arm, again is birth, the birth of the 'world savior',
birth into the 'spiritual kingdom', 'birth out of the world of matter'
into the 'world of being'.

       Cardinal             Fixed              Mutable
            CARDINAL                 F I X E D                  M U T A B L E
                 'Risen Christ'                            'Discipeship'                              'Holy Spirit'
Go to Cardinal Cross  Go to Fixed Cross  Go to Mutable Cross
     Cardinal Cross    Fixed Cross    Cross Mutable

These three Crosses are, in their totality of manifestation, related to the 'three basic energies' which brought the solar system into being;

they constitute the three major and synthetic expressions of the 'Supernal Will',
motivated by 'Love' and expressed through activity.

Upon these Crosses, the ability to see the Whole, purpose-motive-expression, life-quality-appearance, shifts and changes.

C O S M I C - I N I T I A T I O N S
Are "NOW" Being Administered
Direct From the Heart of Galactica-Central


G U I D E D - M E D I T A T I O N S
Are "NOW" Being Administered
Direct From the Heart of Galactica-Central


Email:   New Age Mind - Periodical Newsletter


This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis of specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt professional medical attention if you have a particular concern about your health or specific symptoms.

Meditation can produce strong effects, not always salutary. Therefore it is advised to seek experienced guidance. Neither newagemind.com nor the Author(s) can be held responsible for any negative effects of any M E D I T A T I O N / I N I T I A T I O N practices.

By practicing any of these meditation / initiation techniques you do so at YOUR OWN RISK and acknowledge you have read and agree to the terms of this disclaimer.

Use your own discretion while trying them. Meditation is a person's own journey to his inner self. What may suits some people may not suits everybody. If you are ill or weak, take your doctor's advice before trying meditation. Again - use your own discretion.

Though meditation has been shown to be helpful in certain medical conditions, it should never be considered as a substitute for medical treatment, for psychological or psychiatric counseling, or for needed medication.

If you feel discomfort while practicing the meditations, stop immediately. If you are a heart patient or suspect that you may have a heart ailment, consult a physician before practicing.

Because each person's health needs are different, a physician should be consulted before acting on any information provided in these materials.

1. http://laluni.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/astrology/

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